Date Lecture Slides Recording
09/05 Introduction to the Digital World PPTX PANOPTO
09/10 A Short History of Computing PPTX PANOPTO
09/12 The Rise of the Internet - "Revenge of the Nerds"
09/17 Introduction to Data and Graphics
09/19 Computer Architecture
09/24 Software and Operating Systems
09/26 Data Input/Output and Storage
10/01 Legal Issues in Computing
10/03 Cyber Crime
10/08 Cyber Security/Midterm Review
10/10 TBD    
10/15 Multimedia: Digital Audio
10/17 Multimedia: Digital Imaging
10/22 Multimedia: Digital Video
10/24 Databases and Privacy Issues
10/29 Writing a Program
10/31 Intro to Python
11/05 Digital Networks
11/07 Artificial Intelligence
11/12 The Computing Hierarchy
11/14 Crypto Currency, Non Fungible Tokens and The Blockchain
11/19 Computer Gaming
11/21 No Lecture - Thanksgiving Holiday    
11/26 No Lecture - Thanksgiving Holiday    
11/28 No Lecture - Thanksgiving Holiday    
12/03 TBD    
12/10 Early Optional Final Exam    
12/16 Regularly Scheduled Final Exam